Google adds ads to its search results that are generated by AI.

Google has said that it will add ads to its search results that are generated by AI. This means that marketers will now be able to put their ads next to the results that Google's AI makes using natural language.

5/22/20233 min read

a white google logo on a blue background
a white google logo on a blue background

Google has said that it will add ads to its search results that are generated by AI. This means that marketers will now be able to put their ads next to the results that Google's AI makes using natural language.
This is a big deal because it's the first time Google has let marketers target its search results that are generated by AI. Before, marketers could only target search results that were based on text.

Adding ads to search results that are generated by AI is likely to have a number of effects. It will give marketers a new way to reach potential customers who use Google's AI to look for information. For people who use Google's search tool, it could mean that they will see more ads.
How will ads work in search results that are made by AI?
Google hasn't said anything yet about how ads will work in search results that are made by AI. But it seems possible that they will be shown in a way similar to how they are shown in text-based search results.
For instance, an ad might show up at the top of the page with search results or next to a natural language result. The ad could also be shown in a different way, like as a list or a slide.
What Does It Mean That There Are Ads in AI-Generated Search Results?
Adding ads to search results that are generated by AI is likely to have a number of effects. It will give marketers a new way to reach potential customers who use Google's AI to look for information.
For people who use Google's search tool, it could mean that they will see more ads. This might make it harder for people to find the information they're looking for.
But it's also possible that ads in search results generated by AI could help users. For example, an ad might give people more information about a product or service they are interested in.
How will Google make sure that the ads in the search results that are generated by AI are relevant?
Google has said that it will make sure that ads in generative AI search results are related to the user's search query. Several things, like the user's search history, the keywords in the search query, and the content of the natural language results, will be used to do this.
Google has also said that users will be able to choose not to see ads in search results that are generated by AI. Go to the settings page on Google and uncheck the box that says "Show ads in generative AI search results."
The addition of ads to search results that are generated by AI is a big change. It could affect both marketers and users in a number of ways. How people feel about this new feature can only be seen over time.

Here are some more ideas about what it means for Google's creative AI search results to have ads:

• Advertisements could make it harder for people to find the information they want. When ads are shown alongside natural language results, it can be hard for users to tell which results are paid for and which are not. This could make people click on ads they don't care about or miss out on relevant results that aren't being pushed.
• Ads could make the search results on Google less accurate. When marketers can pay to have their ads shown next to natural language results, it makes you wonder how objective Google's search results are. Some people may worry that Google will be more likely to show results that are good for advertisers, even if those results aren't the most useful.
• Ads could make it harder for people to use Google's search engine. Ads can be distracting to look at and make it harder for people to read pages of search results. This could make people spend more time looking for information, which could make them less likely to use Google's search tool in the long run.
Adding ads to generative AI search results is a mixed bag in general. There are some possible perks, like giving advertisers a chance to reach new customers. But there are also some possible downsides, such as the fact that ads could make it harder for people to find the information they want. How people feel about this new feature can only be seen over time.